Anti-Money Laundering in the Art and Antiques Market

Our firm is recognized as one of the leading law firms in Brazil in the area of anti-money laundering, serving banks, fintechs and other companies subject to AML-FTP rules. In line with our expertise, we have developed a sub-area dedicated to anti-money laundering in the art and antiques market, a sector that moved approximately $65 billion dollars globally in 2023.

Our work in this new area offers comprehensive and multidisciplinary services, ensuring regulatory compliance, market integrity and the protection of the reputation of our clients and their businesses. Combining our expertise in AML-FTP with specialized knowledge in the art and antiques market, our services are designed to ensure compliance with specific anti-money laundering regulations for this sector.

Our Services

  • Risk Assessment
    We conduct detailed internal risk assessments to identify risks inherent to our clients’ businesses, the control measures implemented and the residual risks. This process is crucial for an effective anti-money laundering strategy.
  • Policy and Manual Development

    We develop tailored policies and procedures, targeted at the specific needs of the art and antiques market. These documents are essential to guide daily practice and ensure compliance with current regulations.

  • Due Diligence of Relevant Clients and Partners

    We implement KYC (Know Your Customer) and KYP (Know Your Partner) procedures tailored to the needs of businesses in the art sector, aiming to identify and mitigate risks associated with clients and partners.

  • Transaction Analysis
    We examine transactions involving our clients to identify atypical activities that should be reported to COAF. In addition, we provide advice on mandatory reporting and decisions on when and how to report.
  • Training

    We provide customized training programs to enable individuals and organizations to understand and comply with anti-money laundering regulations in the context of the art and antiques market. Insights and Benefits

    Based on global trends and best practices, we highlight the growing importance of the global art market, which was worth around $65 billion in 2023, despite economic uncertainties. The art and antiques market, due to its intrinsic and historical value, is particularly susceptible to money laundering practices. Our goal is to help our clients navigate this complex landscape, providing security and compliance.

    The services offered by our firm are inspired by internationally observed best practices, ensuring that we are aligned with global standards of excellence in anti-money laundering. We work collaboratively with our clients to develop innovative and effective solutions, tailored to the unique needs of the art and antiques market.

  • Integrated Approach

    Our integrated approach goes beyond simple regulatory compliance. We seek to protect our clients’ reputations and promote the integrity of the art and antiques market, ensuring that all operations comply with current best practices and regulations.

  • Integrated Approach

    Our integrated approach goes beyond simple regulatory compliance. We seek to protect our clients’ reputations and promote the integrity of the art and antiques market, ensuring that all operations comply with current best practices and regulations.

  • Adapting to New Regulations

    We remain vigilant as global and regional regulations change, adapting our strategies to ensure our clients are always compliant with the latest standards. We understand that preventing money laundering in the art market requires constant vigilance and continuous adaptation to new threats and challenges.

    Client Benefits

    • Security and Compliance: Our services ensure that our clients are always compliant with anti-money laundering regulations.
    • Reputation Protection: Through a proactive approach, we help protect our clients’ reputations by avoiding associations with illicit activities.
    • Continuous Improvement: We provide ongoing training and updates on best practices and regulatory changes, ensuring that our clients are always ahead of the curve.

    We believe that protecting the art market not only benefits our clients, but also promotes integrity and trust in the industry. Our approach is focused on creating a safer and more transparent business environment, where art and history can thrive without the risk of being compromised by illicit activities.