Areas of Expertise

Administrative law

Our work in Administrative Law is aligned with our experience in corporate criminal Law, assisting our clients in their contractual and non-contractual relations with the State, on a preventive and repressive way.

We are specialized in Government issues. This allows us to understand the functioning and interaction of courts and government agencies from different jurisdictions.

Our Services Include:

  • Legal advice and judicial and extrajudicial representation in terms of public procurement and contracts from the stages prior to the event, its course (analysis of public notice, preparation of documents and challenges) to contractual execution (risk management, economic-financial rebalancing, tariff review etc).
  • Advice on management crisis and representation before the Government Administration and control bodies (Prosecution Service – MP, Council for the Control of Financial Activities – COAF, General Controllership of the Union – CGU, State and Municipal Controllership Generals, Court of Auditors of the Union – TCU and State Audit Courts).
  • Negotiation of leniency agreements, conduct adjustment term and non-civil prosecution agreements.
  • Representation in administrative and judicial proceedings for acts harmful to the Public Administration, including procedures based on the Administrative Improbity Law and the Anti-Corruption Law, in addition to issues related to the Public Bidding Law and the State-owned Companies Law.
  • Representation in judicial and extrajudicial property disputes against the State Government.